
Showing posts from May, 2019

Triveni Nawalparasi


You Were My Sunshine (Poem)

By Ganesh B. Dhami You were my sunshine on a rainy day But so untimely, someone from above Ruthlessly snatched away Leaving me behind Baffled, shattered and bewildered. Though you are not with me Your memories everywhere I feel you fondling my hair. I hear you whispering my name in the air. I hear your footsteps walking in the hallway. I feel you tweaking my chubby cheeks. I feel your hands caressing my back. I feel you sitting by my side Watching your favourite TV serial Gleaming and framed photos of you on the wall I talk to them, smile at them. The thoughts of you keep me warm in winter’s night You were the light of my life that burnt so bright Whom someone from heaven took away You were my sunshine on a gloomy day. You made me happy when times were down You were my umbrella when it rained You held me in times of need You were my bandage when I bled You were my sunshine in times of rain Please c

Grade 12 Major English Encounter Question and Answers

THE USE OF FORCE 1) What is the nature of conflict in the story? The story presents physical as well as psychological conflict. There is physical conflict between the doctor and child (Mathilda) and psychological between the doctor and parents. The girl is suffering from sore throat but she is hiding her pain from her parents by telling lie. The doctor however attacks the little girl to find out the disease. He has used force so that he could know the cause and treat the disease. When the doctor was trying to look in the throat, the mother said that the doctor won’t hurt her. The statement makes the doctor angry. So there is conflict between the doctor and the mother internally. The doctor has to treat the disease as it is his social responsibility. The doctor’s mind is full of conflict. 2) Do you think the use of force is justifiable in the story? The doctor was called for the treatment of the little girl. She had been suffering from fever for last three days. Her p

The Poplar Field

Set in rural background, this poem deals with environment degradation in the modern world. It is an outcome of people’s quest for material heaven. It is nostalgic in tone. William Cowper feels like crying over the loss of favorite poplar field because it was a place for him to pass hi leisure and was a source of joy in the past. The loss of trees pokes his mind; he thinks that he too will die like the poplar trees, and be buried with earth and stone. Such a day is very near. Therefore, he concludes that human life is short and his pleasure is far shorter. Summary             The poplar trees on the bank of Ouse River are cut down; the shade is all gone. The sound of the cool trees is heard no more because the wind does not play with trees anymore; neither leaves sing any songs. You cannot see the reflection of the trees on Ouse River water either.             The speaker viewed the poplar trees 12 years ago. Then they were on the Ouse River bank. Now they are all laid on t

The Nightmare Life Without Fuel

The essay sheds the lights on the fuel crisis in the USA in 1997. Asimov says that the life of the Americans will become like a nightmare. It will suffer a lot and will be changed into the world of primitive days.             The scene is The United States of America in the future, at a time when fuel (gases, petrol, diesel, kerosene etc.) is running out. People no longer drive cars, but rides bicycles, instead, and old buildings are torn down so their materials can be reused. The alternative sources of fuel like solar power, atomic energy and coal will not cope with the problem.             However, the fuel shortage will bring us some advantages. The air is cleaner, fewer people have colds, there is less crime, and people will have learnt to live life without facilities such as electric lights, indoor heating and showers with hot water.             These advantages cannot surpass the disadvantages that we get from fuel crisis. People who live in suburbs have many problem

The Three Day Blow

“The Three Day Blow ’’ is a story of unpleasant recollections, of mental ordeal and disturbance. As a dramatic story, it takes us into the mental agony of Nick. Nick suffers the blow given by Marge which has been compared with a storm that blows on outside of his home for three days. When the three day blow stops, his ordeal too comes to an end. In consequence both the surrounding and Nick fell relaxed, and cheerful. It is a well written story because the plot moves from conflict, to suffering and separation, and finally comes to reconciliation. It conveys that every conflict or grief passes through several stages before coming to reconciliation or compromise like a violent storm. In the same manner, no matter how deep the grief is it lasts for some time.  “The Three Days Blow" is a plot less story in a dramatic way. Two friends Nick and Bill meet at Bill's cottage. The weather is shown violent. There is rain and storm. So, this is an ideal situation to stay inside h

Keeping Things Whole

“Keeping Things Whole”, a three stanza poem, composed by Mark Strand. This poem highlights identity crisis, a smoldering problem of the present time. The poet asks earnestly for unity or completeness (whole) against alienation and fragmentation ever prevalent in our life.             The poet goes to a field; he finds himself absence in the field. He is missing his identity. When he walks forward, he parts the air. But the air immediately fills up the space behind him. Unlike human beings, the air maintains unity. People keep on moving, for they have reasons. However, the reasons are all false, and carry no essence for the poet. Unlike these people, the poet moves on for the unity among the fragments. He seems a bit idiosyncratic because modern people are material oriented and selfish.             Mark Strand has brilliantly shed lights on the life of a modern man, who is alienated from his society, his self, and is thus fragmented. He is in the void of identity loss/c

My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold

William Wordsworth, an English poet, worshiper of nature. “My Heart Leaps Up When I Behold” is a poem which is related to the natural beauty (rainbow), time and nature.             Wordsworth says his heart leaps up with joy when he sees a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The joy was similar in his childhood (past), is alike in degree now (present), and will be the same when he becomes old (future). Otherwise, he will prefer dearth to life because life away from nature will be listless for him. The experiences of the childhood are delightful; they shape our mind, which in turns shapes the course of future life. Thus the Child is father of the Man. Since nature is God for the poet, he wishes to pass life (his days) respecting and worshiping nature until he dies. “The Child is the father of the Man”             A paradox is a word or sentence which is self-contradictory, i.e. it has got two opposite meanings. However, both meanings can be true in the context they are set. The Chi

Speaking of Children:

            A single child is a boon of God for the parents and plural children a curse; they destroy the personal life and privacy of the parents by keeping them under their control. Therefore, Holland suggests that one should beget one child.             This essay is set in America; it deals with the American culture. For the Americans personal freedom and privacy are the most important of all aspects in life. A wife is expected to have some private time with her husband when he returns home from work.             One child is an inseparable part of parents’ body whereas many children a way of strange life. A single child is controlled easily, and parents can shape him/her as their wish. They can take him/her to parties, on their journeys and teach him/her any lesson like morality. Unlike it, plural children create counter culture in the house; parents are controlled by the children and house is littered with playthings and clothes. Long errands are beyond imagination f