
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde ||Compulsory English || Grade 11 || Summary

Every day after school, a group of local   children   play in  the Giant's Garden.  There they enjoy fresh fruit, beautiful flowers, and sweetly singing birds, as well as a comfortable open space for their play. Their idyllic playtime does not last, however—the Giant returns home from a seven-year vacation, and in his shock and outrage at finding intruders in his garden, drives the children away. Selfishly, he proclaims that the only person who should play in his garden is himself, and he enforces this with a high brick wall around his property. On this wall he hangs a sign which reads, “TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED.” The children, despondent, try playing in the street instead, but to no avail. They find themselves continually drawn to the garden where they used to play, and they spend their afternoons simply loitering around the walls, wishing they could return to how things used to be. The Giant, meanwhile, is also miserable, because his property is locked in a perpetual winter

I Remember, I Remember by Thomas Hood (Summary)

  The poem “I Remember I Remember” is written by Thomas Hood. The poem is in first person narration and it consists of four stanzas. In each stanza the poet compares his present adulthood life with his past childhood days. The poet thinks that his childhood life was a pleasant one when compared with the painful present one. His longing and desire to regain the childhood days are clearly seen from refrain “I remember I remember”.                      In the first stanza the poet talks about the house where he was born. His remembrances of the sun’s peeping through the window at morning, indicates his childish ignorance. The passing day from morning till night gives pleasure to the child. Hence the day does not either end early or prolong. However at present the poet wishes for the night to take away his breath. His desire to death indicates his painful life. The contrast between the past and the present is clear through the portrayal of sun and daytime which means brighter and happier p