
Showing posts from December, 2022

A Coward by Prem Chand || B.Ed. First Year || BA Second Year || New Directions

In the story, "A Coward", Prem Chand shows how cultural difference within a country creates problems among the people who live in the same society. The Hindu caste system has created problem among the people in case of marriage. Moreover, the gap between a traditional mind and the modern mind divides the people clearly into opposite poles. Most of the people still stick to their conservative beliefs due to which the gap has always remained unfulfilled. In the story, Keshav, a Brahmin boy falls in love with Prema, a girl from Banya caste. In the beginning, Keshav seems to be very strong because he is ready to undergo any hardships that might come on his way. He convinces Prema to be bold and fight against the conservative mind. Prema, who is loyal to her parents, does not dare to go against them. However, she does not dream to live without Keshav. As Prema goes home, she thinks about Keshav and collects her strength to tell her relationship with Keshav to her parents. In the b

Three Dancing Goats || Summary || B.Ed. First Year || Compulsory English

  Summary : This is a typical Indian fork-tale. A hard working young peasant (Sindhu) was lucky enough to possess three dancing goats. The three dancing goats brought him all the desired and his widowed mother and a pretty wife also felt comfort. The man lived with his mother in a little bamboo hut and they had a small plot of grazing land. They had a couple of cows. The mother asked him to sell the cows as there was not grain due to the drought. But he loved them very much so did not want to sell. While coming to the market, he met an old woman. She admired his love for the cows so wished to exchange the cow with her three dancing goats and promised to take well cared for the cows. Sindhu did not like the idea first but when the woman played a little bamboo flute and the three goats began to dance to the tune, he believed what the old woman said about them. They were lovely goats from the Himalayan region having long hair, long flapping ears and round noses. He hoped that he would

The Boor by Anton Chekhov || Summary || Class 11 || Optional English

The play “The Boor” is a farce. It is full of many absurd situations and remarks. There are three main characters in the play and they all make us laugh with their absurd behavior and comments. Popova is a widow. Her husband died seven months ago, but she is still in mourning. Her servant, Luka advises her to give up her mourning. He advises her to see her neighbors, but she says that she will keep on mourning until her death. In the meanwhile, Smirnov comes to take 1200 roubles from Popova. Her husband used to buy oat from him. Popova tells him that her steward is out and she will pay him the day after tomorrow. However, Smirnov insists on taking the money that day. He behaves rudely. He even makes fun of Popova’s mourning and her state of mind. Popova also becomes rude. They speak against each other’s sex and use insulting words. Smirnov thinks that he has been insulted. He challenges Popova to fight a duel. Popova accepts the challenge and brings her husband’s revolver. However, she

The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant || Summary and Question-Answer || B.Ed. First Year Compulsory English

  About the Author: •Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893 ) was a  popular French short-story writer, poet and novelist of the 19th century. •His stories are characterized by their economy of style and their efficient effortless conclusion. About this Story : •This story is a fictional short story about a woman who faces a very hard time as a result of her desires and ambition. •Setting(place and time): France, several years ago •Moral lesson: We should not crave for luxuries. We must be satisfied and contented with what we have. Desires lead to unhappiness. Moreover, we should never hide the truth. Characters : 1. Mathilda Loisel- an ambitious woman 2. Mr. Loisel- Mathilda's husband who worked as a clerk in the office of Board of Education 3.  Jeanne Forestier- Mathilda's friend, she gave her necklace to Mathilda to attend a fancy party Summary: A lady, Mathilde Loisel lived in a flat with her husband. He worked as a clerk for the Ministry of Education. They were not able

Start of Kali Yuga || Summary || Compulsory English || B.Ed. First Year || TU

Start of Kali Yuga                                                                                   By Devdutta Pattanaik About this Story: •This story is a Hindu legend based on the Mahabharata. •Setting(time and place): Hastinapuri at the end of Dwapar Yug •Conclusion: People in Kali Yuga are greedy and selfish. Power is worshipped, justice is denied, sacrifice is forgotten and true love is ridiculed. Characters: 1. Yudhishtira- the eldest of the five Pandavas, the follower of dharma(righteousness) and truth 2. Lord Krishna 3. Rishis 4. Two peasants(farmers) Summary: "Start of Kali Yuga" is the story from the Mahabharata retold by Devdutta Pattanaik. This story is a Hindu legend(दन्त्यकथा) and its setting is Hastinapuri, India. It took place at the end of the Dwapar Yug. People were charitable(दानी) in Satya Yuga but they are greedy and selfish in Kali Yuga. Yudhishtira, who is regarded as the follower of righteousness(धर्म) and truth organized the grandest ya