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Class 12 Compulsory English Grammar Question Sets for Practice


Grammar Set-1 (NEB 2079 Set-A)

1. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  Drive ....... or else you might have an accident. (Complete the sentence with a suitable adverb.)

b. Neither the tracksuit nor the pajamas......... (fit) me. (Put the correct form of the verb given in the bracket.)

c.  She is suspected........ (at/of/in/to) stealing money. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.)

d. These tasks are very important. You...... (will/can/can't/must) finish them by tomorrow. (Choose the correct modal verb.)

e.  He...... good breakfast before he set out. (Write the suitable form of the verb 'have' in the blank.)

f.    My father is fond of .................. (garden/gardening/ to garden). He keeps himself busy caring the flowers in the garden. (Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.)

g. She worked hard. She didn't pass her exam. (Join these sentences with 'although'.

h. He is the consultant.........(whose/who/which) advice I rely on. (Choose the correct relative pronoun.)

i.     Did they confess the crime? (Change into passive voice.)

j.     Please, help the poor. (Report the sentence; beginning with: He requested.....)


Grammar Set-2 (NEB 2079 Set-B)

2. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  The reason Deepak has never had an accident is that he drives ..... than everyone else. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb)

b. The herd of deer.... (run, runs) to the river. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence)

c.  I am not interested ...... buying a new car now. (Put the correct preposition in the blank)

d. Rita is already over two hours late. She..... (should have/must have/will have/could have) missed the bus again. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence)

e.  By the end of this month, she ..... in this organisation for fifteen years. (Complete the sentence using correct form of the verb: work)

f.    Max finished..... (to do/doing) his homework and then he went to the party with George and Bill. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

g. I still can't remember his house....... I've been there several times. (Put a correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)

h. She is one of the few girls (who has/who have/who were) passed the examination.

i.     I resent people interrupting me when I'm speaking. (Change into passive)

j.     "Did you receive my email?" (Report this question with the reporting clause: The teacher asked........)

Grammar Set-3 (NEB 2079 Set-E)

3. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  The cool breeze blew..... on her face. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

b. All the celebrations and parties were called... because of the tragic accident. (Put the correct preposition in the blank.)

c.  The food is really good at that restaurant. They (will/can/must/should) have a great chef. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

d. The master along with his three servants....... (is/am/are) going to the court. (Choose the correct verb from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

e.  His company is greatly……. after. (Complete the sentence using correct form of the verb 'seek'.)

f.    We look forward to........... (hear/hearing) from you soon. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

g. ........... he is rich, he is always dressed in rags. (Put a correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)

h. He is the man........ (who/whom/whose) son plays football for Three Star Club. (Choose correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

i.     I want my students to respect me. (Change into passive.)

j.     Did you hear me? (Report this with the reporting clause: She asked........)


Grammar Set-4 (NEB 2079 Set-GI)

4. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.      We are certain, …….?(Use appropriate tag.)

b.     Can I borrow …….books from you? (Use some/any whichever is correct.)

c.      My brother is not going to buy Muna Madan today. (Make an information question.)

d.     Either Manoj or his parents ….. (has/have) supported the winners. (Use appropriate form of the verb.

e.      His arguments are not based…. (in/on/at/from)truth. (Use appropriate preposition to fill in the blank.)

f.       A lot of people would lose job if the factory is…….(closed down/closed in). (Use appropriate verb from bracket.)

g.     The driver, …..was driving along the road, was careful. (Use appropriate relative pronoun.)

h.     They wrote an essay. (Change into passive voice.)

i.       I wanted to go back from my office…. I was feeling uneasy. (Supply correct connective- because/so whichever is correct.).

j.       The headmaster said, “How many of you are there? (Change into indirect speech.)


Grammar Set-5 (NEB 2080 Set-B & D)

5. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  This year the whole winter season was dry. There was very ……. (more/many/few/little) rain.(Choose an appropriate word and rewrite.)

b. The principal along with other experts ……(has/have/was/were) present at the meeting. (Rewrite the sentence using correct verb from the bracket.)

c.  We got wet in the rain. We had an umbrella. (Join the sentences using appropriate connective.)

d. People …….think it is interesting but I think it is pathetic. (Use one of are/might/could/should to complete the sentence.)

e.  The experts go for a walk on Saturdays. (Use often in appropriate place.)

f.    Health care in Nepal is not as ……as it is abroad. (Use ‘expensive’ appropriately to fill in the blanks.)

g.  “You must not ignore your study” said the class teacher to the students. (Change into indirect speech.)

h. Parents gave children a bar of chocolate. (Change into passive voice.)

i.     These leaders have great respect …….academicians of the country. (Use since/for/to/by to fill in the blank.)

j.     This is the house. This house belongs to my uncle. (Join the sentences using one of the appropriate relative pronouns- who/whom/where/which).


Grammar Set-6 (NEB 2080 Set-C)

6. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  The little girl danced really ……in the annual programme of the school. (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

b. It is almost impossible for one to succeed …… works hard. (Put a correct conjunction in the space.

c.  The street had a nasty jam. There ……(might/must/could/would) have been a demonstration of some political parties. (Put the most appropriate modal auxiliary verb.)

d. Students generally dislike …..(giving/given/being given/ to be given)strict instructions by the administration.  (Choose the correct option.

e.  I do not, in fact, know who she is staring….. .(on/in/at/with). (Put a suitable preposition in the space.)

f.    I am not sure of why she was so upset and distracted that day. She ….by her past memories. (Use the appropriate form of the verb ‘overcome’.)

g. One of the boys ……still working on the project assigned by the teacher. (Put the correct form of the verb ‘be’.)

h. They saw a man in the river, ……..(who/whose/whom/that) would be an inspiration for them to know how struggle pays in life. (Choose the appropriate relative pronoun.)

i.     No one loves people teasing them in the public. (Change into passive voice.)

j.      “I didn’t catch you. Is it 50 or 80?” the customer said. (Change into indirect speech.)


Grammar Set-7 (NEB 2080 GI)

7. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  Students said to the principal, “Can you manage extra classes through virtual process?” (Change into indirect speech.)

b. Look! The man is laughing out loudly jumping on the floor. He..... (can/ must/will/would) be mad. (Choose the correct option to fill in the blanks.)

c.  All the books were published in time. (Rewrite the sentence in active voice)

d. He and I............ (is/are/has/have) well until now. (Choose appropriate verb and rewrite it filling in the blanks.)

e.  The garden is beautiful. We spend a lot of time in the garden every day. (Join the sentences using one of the relative pronouns-who/whom/where/which.)

f.    We go on outing every year. We always have financial problems. (Use although/in spite/despite/however-whichever is appropriate to join them)

g. The culprit came....... office, walked across the road and got on a bus. (Use appropriate preposition- out of/ toward/ along/into to fill in the blank.)

h. I can't work as ......... as I used to five years ago. (Rewrite it using hard/ harder/ hardest/more hard, whichever is appropriate.)

i.     After the lesson had finished, we run out of college. (Rewrite the sentence correcting the mistakes.)

j.     We all get wet in the rain because........ us had raincoat. (Fill in the blanks using any/some of none of/ none whichever is correct.)


Grammar Set-8 (NEB Model       Question 2079)

8. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  I have to go to the dentist because my tooth is aching terrible. (Find the mistake in this sentence and correct it.).

b. His house is … (in/ at/ by/on) the way from Itahari to Biratnagar. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence)

c.  Ram assured me that he would meet me at the bus station exactly at 8 a. m. It is now 10 a. m. I have waiting for him since early morning. (Identify which bolded verb forms is incorrect and rewrite.)

d. You … (will/must/has to/had to) stop smoking. It is very harmful. (Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate auxiliary verb).

e.  He usually … (do/did/has done/does) his homework in his room. (Identify which bolded verb forms completes the sentence.)

f.    As a part of the project work, the students had to work physically. Therefore, they requested their teacher to stop study. (Identify which bold-faced word needs to be rewritten and correct it.)

g. Ganesh is a doctor. His wife is a doctor. (Combine the sentences using the conjunction both …………. and.)

h. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper (Join the two sentences using appropriate relative pronoun).

i.     My uncle wrote a wonderful play. (Change the sentence into passive voice).

j.     Mohan said, “My brother arrived home late.” (Change the sentence into reported speech).


Grammar Set-9 (NEB Model       Question 2078)

9. Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.  I’m going to tell you something very important, so please listen ……………  (Complete the sentence with an appropriate adverb.)

b. The old man died …………. a heart attack. (Put the correct preposition in the blank.)

c.   More than one person …………. going to have to find a new job. (Put the correct verb in the blank.)

d. You’ll …………. (has to/have to/must/had to) tell the police that your house was broken into. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

e.  He only realised he …………. his keys when he reached his front door. (Complete the sentence using correct forms of verbs: lose)

f.    A lot of people are worried about …………. (to lose/losing) their jobs. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

g. …………. the AC was on, the room was not cool. (Put a correct conjunction in the blank to complete the sentence.)

h. Between 2000 and 2005 she wrote three novels, …………. (neither of which/none which/none of which) were published. (Choose the correct option from the bracket to complete the sentence.)

i.     I like people laughing at me. (Change into passive voice.)

j.     Could you please open the window? (Report this with the reporting clause: She requested ………..)

Grammar Set-10 (Extra Model Set)

10.                  Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the following sentences. (10×1=10)

a.      I’m very patient,…….? (Add an appropriate Question Tag)

b.     Leap years occur    four years.( Put each or every)

c.      Neither the gas fire nor the electric heaters ……….(is/are) suitable for room heating. (Rewrite with the correct form of the verb in the bracket)

d.     He is a millionaire. He lives in a simple house.(Join the sentences using although/though/even though)

e.      Do you like this country? (write the type of question)

f.       My mother gets up at five o’clock. (Put the frequency adverb ‘always’ in appropriate place and rewrite)

g.     The principal said, “You can phone from my office, Rita.”(Change into indirect speech)

h.     I don’t like people staring at me. (Change into passive voice.)

i.       There is a lady wallet has been stolen. (Fill in the blank with suitable relative pronoun.)

j.       Why do you sneer  (for/at/in/on) me? (Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.)


Grammar Set-11 (NEB Grade Increment Exam 2081 Set-A)

11.                  Do as instructed in the brackets and rewrite the sentences.

a.  My friend plays the piano well. (Identify the adverb in this sentence.)

b. I hope to contribute …..(for/by/to/in) the previous research. (Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence.)

c.  Ramit, together with his friends ……. (practise/ practises/ practised/ has practised) yoga every day. (Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence.)

d. I am tired. I …….(need/ may/ must/ would) go to bed early tonight. (Fill in the blank choosing appropriate auxiliary verb.)

e.  Elizabeth parked the car and then go into the busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend the week with her. (Identify which bolded verb form is incorrectly written and correct it.)

f.    They looked at the ……..(to fly/ flown/ flying/ being flown) plane. (Fill in the blank choosing appropriate infinitive of gerund to complete the sentence.)

g. He stole the money. I wanted him not to. (Join the pair of sentences using appropriate connective.)

h. I met a man at the party. He was a film star. (Join the pair of sentences using appropriate relative clause.)

i.     Today acupuncture ……….(were used/ are used/ is used/ was used) effectively in our country. (Choose the appropriate passive form of the verb and write it.)

j.     They asked, “Is the work going to be easy?” (Report the speech using the verb ‘wondered’.)






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