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Class 12 Optional English || 11 Set Past Papers (2078-2081)



CDC Model Question-2078

Optional English (3341)

Grade: XII        Full Marks: 75    Time: 3 Hours


Choose and copy the best answer. (11×1=11)

1.   What is a dead language?

               i.   A language no longer used in everyday life.

           ii.   A language that no one speaks any more.

        iii.   A language that is learnt solely for ceremonial purposes.

         iv.   A language that has been lost to history.

2.   The Indo-European family includes ………..languages.

i.English, German, Swedish          

ii. Latin, French and Modern Languages

iii. Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit                iv. Welsh, Irish, Latin

3.   Mother tongue influence can be effectively minimized in the classroom by ………

i.using the mother tongue less often              

ii. giving examples from the mother tongue

iii. giving a lot of exposure in the target language

iv. giving inputs from the target language in a simple, graded manner

4.   How did Sherlock Holmes solve the case in the story “The Three Students”?

i.It was a lucky guess.            

ii. He saw the culprit copying the test.

iii. He knew the culprit was tall and an athlete.

iv. He did not solve the case at all.

5.   Why does the mother disagree with Aloo in the story “Leaving”?

i.She does not like him.  ii. She hates America.

iii. She is afraid he will not return home.               iv. She is stubborn.

6.   In the final sentence of “Once More to the Lake”, the narrator feels ……. dancing                  ii. the chill of death               

iii. a storm approaching  iv. the clean hair of the waitress

7.   The Fool calls King Lear a for doing what ……..

i.searching for the cool   ii. giving away his lands

iii. hitting Oswald           iv. leaving his palace

8.   During spring, the narrator describes himself as …

i.magical         ii. mischievous       

iii. obstinate    iv. a man with rough finger

9.   What does Larry say he would do to Joe if they were in the same room in the drama “All My Sons”?

i.forgive him           ii. hug him       iii. kill him              iv. punch him

10.What sarcastic expression does Sue use to refer to the Kellers in the drama “All My Sons”?

i.The holy family    ii. The United Nations

iii. The band of thieves   iv.The three little pigs

11.Who are the subalterns?

i.Any person with hegemonic power              ii.Any person from elite class

iii.People relegated to inferior rank or status iv. Historians


Write short answers to these questions. (8×5=40)

12.Are British English and American English two different languages? How are they different? Explain with examples.

13.Compare between different types of translation.

14.What does the story say about ecology and human life? (Devil Deer)

15.What contrast does White make between the sea and a lake, and why does he make this contrast at the very beginning of the essay? (Once More to the Lake)

16.What arguments do the writers make in favour of lean production? Give their examples. (How Lean Production Can Change the World)

17.Explain these lines from the poem “No Second Troy” with reference to context.

Why, what could she have done being what she is?

Was there another Troy for her to burn?

18.How is gender perspective different from class perspective in the study of literature? Explain.

19.Write short note on any one of the following:

a.    The character perspective

b.   Cultural Perspective


Write long answers to these questions. (3×8=24)

20.What details of Paul’s appearance and behavior; as his teachers see him, indicate that he is abnormal? Justify with examples. (Paul’s Case)

21.How did Milton use the development of ongoing events to present problems with a mystical resolution in “Sonnet 8”? Explain.

22.How does Miller present Joe Keller as both a tragic hero and a villain in “All My Sons”


NEB Model Question (2079/2023)

Optional English(3341)

Time: 3 hours                                Full Marks: 75

Group A

Tick (√) the correct answer from the alternatives given in each question below. (11×1=11)

1.   To which one of the following language families does official Nepali language belong?

a. Afro-Asiatic        b. Sino-Tibetan      

c. Niger-Congo       d. Indo-European

2.   Language change as a result of globalization occurs due to which of the following reasons?

a. fashion                b. foreign influence      

c. broadening          d. narrowing

3.   Kituba is a widely used lingua franca in Central Africa. It is based on Kikongo, a Bantu language. It is also a national language in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Which one of the following types of language is it?

a. pidgin  b. creole c. vernacular         d. slang

4.   Who is the author of the story ‘Paul’s Case’?

a. Willa Cather       b. Sir Arthur Canon Doyle    

c. M C Vassanji      d. Rudolf Anaya

5.   What kind of story is ‘The Three Students’?

 a. a horror story            b. a humorous story       

c. a detective story          d. a satirical story

6.   ‘I can resist anything but temptation.’ What is this sentence an example of?

 a. paradox      b. oxymoron   c. analogy      d. euphemism

7.   Which one of the following poems is a ballad?

a. Mending Wall

b. No Second Troy

c. A Woman

d. The Three Knights

8.   What does the poet imply through the line ‘I grew whiter and whiter’ in the poem ‘Kidnapped’?

a. he became a more learned person.

b. he got influenced by western education system.

c. he was happy to become a European.

d. he got assimilated in the western culture.

9.   What year was the play ‘All My Sons’ written?

a. 1947             b. 1949

c. 1953             d. 1955

10.                     Which one of the following literary elements is richly endowed in the play ‘All My Sons’?

a. irony            b. symbol

c. image          d. metaphor

11.                     Which of the following does linguistic sign comprise?

a. sign and signifier

b. signifier and signified

c. arbitrariness and conventionality

d. signified and binary

Group ‘B’

Give short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. (8×5=40)

12.                     What is language death? Give suitable examples of language death.

13.                     Is content knowledge more important than acquisition of skills? Why, why not? Give reasons to support your answer.

14.                     How does Julian show the important theme of hypocrisy in the story ‘Everything That Rises Must Converge’?

15.                     In what way does the story ‘A Deal on Wheat’ reflect influence of naturalism? Explain briefly.

16.                     How does lean production combine the best features of both craft and mass production? Explain.


‘The reality is that we do not know what to think about death: not that of a fly, or of a dog or a pig, or of ourselves.’ Do you agree or disagree with this key idea given by Stephen Cave? Give reasons based on the essay 'Not Nothing'?

17.                     Summarize the poem ‘If I Should Die.’

18.                     Differentiate textual perspective from contextual perspective.

19.                     According to Sigmund Freud, literary creation emerges from unconscious state of mind. Do you agree or disagree? Justify your opinion.


Evaluate how postmodern perspective addresses the issue of plurality.

Group ‘C’

Write long answer to the following questions in about 150 words each. (3×8=24)

20.                     Summarize the essay ‘A Black Grandmother’.

21.                     Interpret the following lines of the poem ‘Lord! Make me a Sheep’ in your own words relating the speaker’s feelings to the contemporary materialistic society.

Let me have divine animality, O Providence,

Be kind to me and seize me quickly!

Come! Please!

Make me a sheep right now.


Do you believe that abstract reasoning is predominantly the male field of thought? Give reasons in support of your answer.

22.                     Do you think the play ‘All My Sons’ is the play of responsibility, tragedy and guilt? Justify your answer with examples.


NEB-Grade XII-2079 (2022)

Optional English (New Course) (3341)

Time: 3 Hours                       Full Marks: 75


Write the correct answers choosing from the options given below: [11×1=11]

1.   A language family is ……

i.         a group of related languages derived from a single language

ii.     derived from all languages

iii.  that can be divided into groups of languages.

iv.   part of the Indo-European family.

2.   The Tibeto-Burman group of languages fall under ……

i.      under Indo-European language family

ii.  under Austro-Asiatic languages

iii.     under Kumali languages

iv.      under Sino-Tibetan family

3.   Language shift is also ……….

i.         the cause of language death.

ii.     the cause of language growth.

iii.  the cause of monolithic language.

iv.   the cause of language survive.

4.   The king of Banyan Deer goes himself moves with pity and ……….. .

i.            Compassion to the pregnant deer

ii.        Compassion to the king

iii.     Compassion to all living beings

iv.      Kindness to the world

5.   Odin is known for his …….

i.            Personal benefit

ii.        His eight legged steed

iii.     Sacrifice for the donation of his right eye for gaining wisdom

iv.      Golden armour

6.   Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for ........ .

i. 27 years ii. 30 years.     iii. 90 years.    iv. 17 years.

7.   Elegy is notable in that it ………..         

i.         mourns the loss of a way of life

ii.     mourns the loss of an individual

iii.  mourns the death of an author

iv.   mourns the wealth if an author

8.   Why does the king give his kingdom to two evil daughters but not to the youngest one? It is because ….

i.      the two really love him.

ii.  the two flattered him.

iii.     he could not understand the true love of his youngest daughter.

iv.      the youngest does not love him.

9.   A tragedy is a serious play in which the chief figures pass through a series of …..

i.                  Killing events                                                

ii.              Separations of incidents

iii. Misfortunes leading to a final devastating catastrophe.  

iv. Pain and loss

10.                     The characters in the play are concerned with…….

i. the business of an individual      

ii. the successful operation of the business

iii. the establishment of business

iv. the establishment and maintenance of family life

11.                     New criticism aims at providing good sense of …….

i. a text which is totally new in nature.

ii. a text without going back to the history of the text and its author.

iii. a text that completes all genres.

iv. a text with full criticism


Write short answers to these questions. [8×5=40]

12.   Write in brief about the shift in language.

13.   What are the similarities between Pidgin and Creole? Give some examples.

14.                     What was the new king fond of? (Buddhist Story)

15.                     How is Sir Roger an esteemed person, according to Richard Steele? (Sir Roger at the Assizes)

16.                     Why does Mimir ask for the right eye from Odin All Father? (Norse Mythology)

17.                     How is Elizabethan sonnet different from Petrarchan sonnet? What are their rhyme scheme?

18.                     Write in short on formalistic perspective.

19.                     Define ‘Subaltern Literature’ in brief.


Write long answers to these questions. [3×8=24]

20.                     What are the reasons for Paul for committing suicide? Why does he take such hard decision? (Paul’s Case)

21.                     Summarize the poem ‘No Second Troy’.

22.                      “Joe Keller represents American dream of collecting wealth at all cost, ignoring all the ethics and morality.” Explain. (All My Sons)


NEB- GRADE XII-2079 (2022)

Code: 3341’A’

Grade Increment (Supplementary) Examination

Time: 3 Hours               F.M.: 75

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answers choosing from the options given below: [11×1=11]

1.   According to the constitution of Nepal the national language includes .....

i.                  all the languages spoken in Nepal

ii.              all the native languages spoken in Nepal

iii.           all the official languages spoken in Nepal

iv.            only the Nepali language

2.   Which of the following factors is NOT the cause of language change?

i.                  Fashion          

ii.              Foreign influence

iii.           Broadening and narrowing

iv.            Death of languages

3.   What is language death?

i.                  extinction of a language is written form

ii.              extinction of a language in both written and spoken form

iii.           existence of a language is only spoken form

iv.            existence of a language in both written and spoken form

4.   The father in the story ‘The Lost Child’ was ……

i.                  A tyrant

ii.              A dictator

iii.           A rude person

iv.            A frustrated person

5.   Why does E.B. White feel ‘Chill of Death’ in his visit to the Maine Lake?

i.                  He realizes the cold weather in the lake.

ii.              He realizes that his son is going to jump into the lake.

iii.           He realizes his son’s death.

iv.            He realizes his own death.

6.   Why were pueblo people happy when the deer season came?

i.                  They could hunt the deer and make money.

ii.              They could hunt the deer and provide meal to their children.

iii.           They could keep deer and make money.

iv.            Their children could play.

7.   Who was Maud Gonne as mentioned by Yeats in ‘No Second Troy’?

i.                  A beautiful Irish deity

ii.              A beautiful Irish woman

iii.           A beautiful Scottish girl

iv.            A beautiful English girl

8.   What is the theme of the poem ‘King Lear and His Three Daughters’?

i.                  love, madness and power

ii.              love, hatred and betrayal

iii.           hatred, madness and betrayal

iv.            power, hatred and madness

9.   In which month is the play ‘All My Sons’ set?

i.                  October

ii.              April

iii.           December

iv.            August

10.                     What is the only part of the newspaper that Joe Keller reads in the play ‘All My Sons’?

i.                  The sports section

ii.              The world news

iii.           The obituaries

iv.            The want ads

11.                     How does new criticism deal a text with?

i.                  with the external factors of the text

ii.              directly with the text

iii.           with comparison to another text

iv.            with history and meaning with the text


Write short answers to these questions. [8×5=40]

12.                     Compare the British and American English in terms of their spellings, pronunciation and grammar.

13.                     Write any five features of Pidgin.

14.                     What was Paul’s frustration? Depict his personality. [Paul’s Case]

15.                     Write about the attachment of the author with the temples of Angkor. [An Eastern Journey]

16.                     Why is philosophy antipoetic? Why do poets mistrust philosophy? [The Case for Xanthippe]      

17.                     Explain the following extract with reference to the context.

She lived unknown and few could know

When Lucy ceased to be;

But she is in her grave and, oh,

the difference to me!

[She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways] 

18.                     What is formalism? What elements do the formalists seek in the text? Explain.

19.                     Define postmodernism and write the features of postmodernist criticism.


Write long answers to these questions. [3×8=24]

20.                     How does E.B. White experience dual existence during his second visit to the Maine Lake? Explain. [Once More to the Lake]

21.                     Critically examine the effect of war in an individual, family, nation, and peace. Write your answer with reference to John Milton’s poem ‘Sonnet 8’.

22.                     Analyze the play ‘All My Sons’ by Arthur Miller with the fivefold structure exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and denouncement.



NEB- GRADE XII- 2079 (2022)

Code: 3341 ‘B’

Grade Increment (Supplementary) Examination

Time: 3 Hours                                      F.M.: 75

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answers choosing from the options given below: [11×1=11]

1.   The Indo-European languages are spoken …

v.               in more than 435 countries of the world

vi.            in India and Europe.

vii.        in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal

viii.     in all countries of the world

2.   The languages of Nepal are found to have grouped into …..

i.                  123 language families

ii.              four language families

iii.           57 language families

iv.            the Sino-Tibetan language families

3.   A dead language is one which ……

i.                  is not known by anyone

ii.              is extinct, and no longer in use in everyday life

iii.           is not learned by younger generation

iv.            is not spoken by anyone

4.   In Buddhism, the deer symbolizes ……

i.                  harmony, happiness, longevity and peace

ii.              an allusion

iii.           pity and compassion

iv.            life of innocent

5.   When Odin gave his right eye to Mimir, he put it ……

i.                  in deep water of the well of wisdom

ii.              on the ground

iii.           into a bucket

iv.            into a large basin

6.   Nelson was imprisoned for ……

i.                  seventeen years

ii.              nineteen years

iii.           fourteen years

iv.            twenty seven years

7.   Sonnets written by Shakespeare are called ……..

i.                  Petrarchan sonnet

ii.              Elizabethan sonnet

iii.           British sonnet

iv.            High sonnet

8.   Lear’s weakness is his …….

i.                  frankness

ii.              openness to flattery

iii.           unable to find truth

iv.            honesty and politeness

9.   A comedy is play in which the main characters manage to ….

i.                  avert an impending disaster and have a happy ending

ii.              make laughter at the end

iii.           kill each other

iv.            have a disappointing ending

10.                     The play ‘All My Sons’ deals with the …..

i.                  comic elements of the play

ii.              tragic comedy

iii.           thoroughly tragedy of a traveler

iv.            tragic conflict between family loyalties and social responsibility

11.                     New criticism emphasizes close reading, particularly poetry to discover……

i.                  how a work of literature functions as a self contained

ii.              how literature works

iii.           what the meaning of literature is

iv.            what are the plans of literature 

Group 'B'

Write short answers to these questions. [8×5=40]

12.                     What are the four language families found in Nepali language? Write very briefly.

13.                     Write in brief about the cause of language change.

14.                     Why does the king not kill the Banyan Deer? (Buddhist Story)

15.                     What is Odin All Father famous for? (Norse Mythology)

16.                     How can an individual get satisfaction according to Richard Steele? (Sir Roger at the Assizes)

17.                     Write short notes on:

a.    Ballad b.  Epic

18.                     Write in short about linguistic perspective.

19.                     Define language minority in brief.

Group 'C' [3×8=24]

20.                     Interpret 'This is a Story' as an anti-colonial story. (This is a Story)

21.                     Summarize the poem 'She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways'.

22.                     Why does Joe Keller give high importance for wealth? Should we not consider that morality and ethics are greater than the accumulation of wealth? (All My Sons)


NEB - GRADE XII           

2080 (2023)

Optional English

(New Course) (3341)

Time: 3 hrs.                                           Full Marks: 75

Group 'A'

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. (11x1=11)

1.      Which of the following varieties of language is created from two existing language?

i)  register                           ii) dialect

iii) pidgin                          iv) creole

2.  In which of the following language teaching methods is vocabulary taught in context?

i)  Grammar Translation Method.  ii) The Direct Method

iii) Audio Lingual Method  iv) Total Physical Response

3.  The same sports shoes can have different names like sneakers, Gym shoes, clod hoppers, and Tennis shoes depending on where you go in the United States of America. Which varieties of language does it belong to?

i)  Dialect                            ii) Register

iii) Jargon                          iv) Creole

4.  What is Paul's job at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh in the story 'Paul's case'?

i)  Soloist                             ii) Cashier

iii) Cleaner                       iv) Usher

5.  How does Graves define poetry in 'The case for Xanthippe ?

i)  irrational fancy

ii)  practical, humourous and reasonable

iii)   pseudo-science of audience-reaction

iv)  political rationalization

6.  Nelson Mandela in his 'Speech on Release from Jail' reiterates to call for which of the following?

   i.         immediate formation of Youth League.

ii.            working together with the Communist Party.

iii.          struggling against anti-apartheid movement.

iv.           immediate ending of the State of Emergency.

7.  What did the third Knight ask the lady in the poem 'The Three Knights' ?

    i.        if she would be his friend.

   ii.        if she would be his queen.

 iii.        if she would be his delight.

iv.        if she would marry him.

8.  Which of the following poems narrates the story?

i)  No Second Troy

ii)  King Lear and his Three Daughters.

iii)    She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways.

iv)   Lord ! Make Me a Sheep.

9.  Who is the author of the play 'All My Sons'?

i)  Arthur Miller               ii) Shakespeare

iii) John Webster              iv) Thornton Wilder

10.  Which of  the following literary  techniques  is NOT  found in the  play 'All My Sons'?

i)  irony                                ii) foreshadowing

iii) symbol                         iv) euphemism

11.  What, according to the cultural critics, is a popular culture?

i)  the culture that everyone likes.

ii)   the culture that everyone accepts.

iii)  the culture that powerful groups exercise.

iv)   the culture that subordinate groups exercise.

Group 'B'

Write short answers to the following questions. [8×5=4]

12.     What is an endangered language? Define it with examples.

13.     Differentiate between multilingualism and multiculturalism.

14.     What makes you think that "This is a story" is an anti-colonialist story? Give reasons to support your answer.

15.     How is 'Bayon temple' different from other temples? Explain. (An Eastern Journey)

16.           Do you think Nelson Mandela's speech is historically important? Why, why not? Give reasons to support your answer. (Speech on Release from Jail)


What is Meta language? Explain what specific examples of Meta language Tran has used in her text. (What is Meta language?)

17.  Summarize the poem 'No Second Troy' in your own words.

18.     Write a short note on cultural perspective.

19.     Do you think class perspective reveals literature as social reality? Why or why not ? Give reasons to support your answer.


What does a text mean in literature? Do you find any relevance between the text and literature? Give reasons to support your answer.


Group 'C'

Write long answers to these questions. [3×8=24]

20.    Sketch the character of Ayah. (Lullaby)

21.     Critically analyse the poem 'Kidnapped'. OR

According to the speaker of the poem 'Mending Wall", what two forces cause the stone wall fall apart? Clarify your ideas with the tones of the speaker used in the poem. (Mending Wall)

22.     Do you think the play 'All My Sons' involves a conflict between children and parents regarding lifestyle, ideals and other perspectives? Why, why not? Give reasons to support your answer










NEB - GRADE XII           2080 (2023)

Optional English

(New Course) (3341)

Time: 3 hrs.                                           Full Marks: 75

Group 'A'

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. (11x1=11)

1.            Which of the following varieties of language is created from two existing language?

i)  register                           ii) dialect

iii) pidgin                          iv) creole

2.            In which of the following language teaching methods is vocabulary taught in context?

i)  Grammar Translation Method.  ii) The Direct Method

iii) Audio Lingual Method  iv) Total Physical Response

3.            The same sports shoes can have different names like sneakers, Gym shoes, clod hoppers, and Tennis shoes depending on where you go in the United States of America. Which varieties of language does it belong to?

i)  Dialect                            ii) Register

iii) Jargon                          iv) Creole

4.            What is Paul's job at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh in the story 'Paul's case'?

i)  Soloist                             ii) Cashier

iii) Cleaner                       iv) Usher

5.            How does Graves define poetry in 'The case for Xanthippe ?

i)  irrational fancy

ii)   practical, humourous and reasonable

iii)   pseudo-science of audience-reaction

iv)  political rationalization

6.            Nelson Mandela in his 'Speech on Release from Jail' reiterates to call for which of the following?

      v.   immediate formation of Youth League.

vi.            working together with the Communist Party.

vii.          struggling against anti-apartheid movement.

viii.          immediate ending of the State of Emergency.

7.            What did the third Knight ask the lady in the poem 'The Three Knights' ?

i.    if she would be his friend.

ii.if she would be his queen.

iii.           if she would be his delight.

iv.            if she would marry him.

8.            Which of the following poems narrates the story?

i)  No Second Troy

ii) King Lear and his Three Daughters.

iii)    She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways.

iv)   Lord ! Make Me a Sheep.

9.            Who is the author of the play 'All My Sons'?

i)  Arthur Miller                  ii) Shakespeare

iii) John Webster              iv) Thornton Wilder

10.      Which of  the following literary  techniques  is NOT  found in the  play 'All My Sons'?

i)  irony                                ii) foreshadowing

iii) symbol                         iv) euphemism

11.      What, according to the cultural critics, is a popular culture?

i)  the culture that everyone likes.

ii)   the culture that everyone accepts.

iii)    the culture that powerful groups exercise.

iv)   the culture that subordinate groups exercise.

Group 'B'

Write short answers to the following questions. (8×5=40)

12.      What is an endangered language? Define it with examples.

13.      Differentiate between multilingualism and multiculturalism.

14.      What makes you think that "This is a story" is an anti-colonialist story ? Give reasons to support your answer.

15.      How is 'Bayon temple' different  from other temples ? Explain. (An Eastern Journey)

16.      Do you think Nelson Mandela's speech is historically important? Why, why not ? Give reasons to support your answer. (Speech on Release from Jail)


What is Meta language ? Explain what specific examples of Meta language Tran has used in her text. (What is Meta Language ?)

17.      Summarize the poem 'No Second Troy' in your own words.

18.      Write a short note on cultural perspective.

19.      Do you think class perspective reveals literature as social reality ? Why why not ? Give reasons to support your answer.


What does a text mean in literature? Do you find any relevance between the text and literature ? Give reasons to support your answer.


Group 'C'

Write long answers to these questions. (3×8=24)

20.      Sketch the character of Ayah. (Lullaby)

21.      Critically analyse the poem 'Kidnapped'.


According to the speaker of the poem 'Mending Wall", what two forces cause the stone wall fall apart? Clarify your ideas with the tones of the speaker used in the poem. (Mending Wall)

22.      Do you think the play 'All My Sons' involves a conflict between children   and parents regarding lifestyle, ideals and other perspectives? Why, why not? Give reasons to support your answer.



                                                          Sub code: 3341 ‘A’     

                                                      NEB-GRADE- XII


Optional English

Grade Increment(Supplementary) Examination

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margins indicate full marks

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. [11×1=11]

1.   Which of the following language families has the smallest number of speakers according to the census 2011?

ii)             Indo-European                ii) Sino-Tibetan             

iii)          iii) Austro-Asiatic           iv)Dravidian

2.   Which one of the following is an example of sociolect?

ii)             White English                 ii) British English  

iii) American English             iv) Australian English

3.   Unity is strength. “Pstf g} an xf].” Which one of the following types of translation is it?

ii)             Dynamic translation                       ii) Free translation 

iii) Semantics translation                                iv) Literal translation

4.   Which one of the following holy books is the story ‘Brahmadatta and the Banyan Deer’ taken from?

ii)             Jatak Katha             ii) Tripitaka           

iii)          iii) Geeta                 iv) Upanishad

5.   Which one of the following is an example of meta-story?

ii)             Lullaby                            ii) The Three Students           

iii)          iii) The Lost Child          iv) This is a Story

6.   Which of the following is the main message of the essay ‘A Black Grandmother’?

ii)             Morgan’s happiness of being black                               

iii)          Morgan’s ignorance of her origin

iv)           Morgan’s disclosing of her aboriginal identity           

v)              Morgan’s loss of identity

7.   Which of the following is an example of Ballad?

i) No Second Troy                  ii) Kidnapped 

iii) The Three Knights            iv) If I Should Die

8.   ‘And I will come again, my love. Tho’ it were ten thousand mile’. Which one of the following is the example of this sentence?

ii)             Metaphor        ii) Oxymoron         

iii) Hyperbole         iv) Paradox

9.   Why was Steve Deever imprisoned in jail?

ii)             for supplying faulty airplane cylinders.        

iii)          for supplying defective petrol for the plane.

iv)           for murdering army officers.                         

v)              for misappropriation of money.

10.                     Why was everyone in both the families in the play ‘All My Sons’ suffered?

v)              Because of the lack of the investment in the joint venture business

vi)           Because of the misconduct of Joe Keller

vii)       Because of the overconfidence and over ambition of both the families

viii)    Because of the depression in US economy

11.                     Which one of the following is the characteristic of Formalistic Perspective?

v)              Literary text is self-sufficient.               

vi)           Literary text defamiliarizes language into a special form.

vii)       Literary text regards cultural or historical influences.

viii)    Literary text should be objective and contextual.

Group ‘B’

Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. [8×5=40]

12.   What is translation? Describe its types briefly.

13.   Examine the introduction of mother tongue based on multilingual education in Nepal.

14.   Examine the effect of colonization on the indigenous people. (This is a Story)

15.   Analyze what meta-language is. (What is Meta-language)

16.   Discuss John Barth’s Autobiography as a self-reflective fiction. (Autobiography: A Self Recorded Fiction)



Analyze the Character of Sir Roger as depicted in the essay. (Sir Roger at the Assizes)

17.   What are the types of poetry? Discuss them briefly.

18.   What is queer theory?

19.   Evaluate similarities and differences between formalistic and New criticism.


Differentiate between modernism and post-modernism.

Group ‘C’

Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. [3×8=24]

20.   In what way does O’Connor use Julian and his mother to represent different points of views in the story? (Everything that Rises must Converge)

21.   Write a critical appreciation of the poem “The Three Knights”. Or,

Discuss the poem ‘Lord! Make me a Sheep’ as a piece of satire on human behavior and activities.

22.   The drama “All My Sons” represents the loss of morality and humanity. Discuss.


Sub code: 3341 ‘B’



Optional English (3341 ‘B’)

Grade Increment(Supplementary) Examination

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margins indicate full marks.

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. [11×1=11]

1.   How many living languages are there according to Ethnologue(2020)?

i) 7116         ii) 7117           iii) 7118          iv) 7119

2.   Which of the following groups of words indicates ‘Dissimilation’ type of sound change in language change?

i)In mensus into Immense                   ii)In bibo into Imbibe    

iii)In peregribus into Pilgrim              iv) In brid into Bird

3.   Which of the following is not the cause of language change?


i) Fashion    ii) Foreign influence       iii) Broadening and Narrowing    iv) Speaker’s intention

4.   When did the child realize that he list his way?

i) while running                  ii) while eating ice-cream             

iii) while taking permission from his parents to take a ride on round about  

iv) none

5.   What job did Paul do at the Opera?

i) an actor                    ii) a security guard         

iii) a ticket seller         iv) an usher

6.   What type of essay is ‘The Case for Xanthippe’ ?

i) Argumentative         ii) Narrative           

iii) Descriptive            iv) Expository

7.   Which of the following expressions is close to the ballad form of poetry?

i) It is marked by emotion, melody and imagination.       

ii) It is the expression of emotion of sorrow, owe or despair.\

iii) It tells the love, death and supernatural elements.

iv) It praises art of music and natural scenes.

8.   Who kidnapped the speaker in the poem “Kidnapped’?

i) Terrorist  ii) Western educators     iii) Army         iv) Kidnappers

9.   How many times has Annie been married?

i) Two times        ii) One time             iii) Never iv) Three times

10.         According to Chris in his monologue, what should have been born out of all death in the war?

i) A sense of religious faith                ii) A new nationalism

iii) Social responsibility             iv) Lingering hate

11.         Which of these features of a text would formalist be most interested in?

i) Meaning of words   ii) Context       iii) Structure          

iv) Author’s biographical information

Group ‘B’

Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. [8×5=40]

12.         Describe the Indo-European family of languages showing the relationship between English and Nepali.

13.         What is pidgin? When does it become creole? Describe.

14.         What is the significance of Julian’s response to the mother’s behavior? (Everything that Rises must Converge)

15.         What message does the essayist want to convey talking about the death of a tiny fly in the essay? (Not Nothing)

16.         What is meta-language? What specific examples of Meta-language has Tran used in her text? Explain. (What is Meta-language?)


Justify the significance of the title of the essay “Not Nothing”.

17.         Explain these lines from the poem “A Woman” with references to the context.

In every tree she raises

the one they laid in the ground

and in the fire of her breast

She holds him, warms him, wraps him round.  

18.         Write short notes on (any two):

a.    Aesthetic reading and non-aesthetic reading

b.   Reader’s perspective

19.         What does a text mean in literature? Do you find any relevance between the text and literature?


Do you think class perspective reveals literature as social reality? Why, why not? Give reasons to support your answers.

Group ‘C’

Write long answers to the following questions in about 150 words each. [3×8=24]

20.         What were the changes that could be seen in Okanagan people after they imitated swallows? Did their willingness to change give the swallows the chance to oppress them? Explain in detail. (This is a Story)

21.         According to the speaker of the poem “Mending Wall”, what two forces causes the stone wall fall apart? Clarify your ideas with the tones of the speaker used in the poem. (Mending Wall)


Critically analyse the poem “Kidnapped”.

22.         Would you consider Joe Keller, the protagonist in Arthur Miller’s play “All My Sons” to be a tragic hero? Why or why not? If so what is his fatal flaw? Explain.


NEB Exam 2081(2024)

Optional English

Grade: XII                   Time: 3 Hours                       Full Marks: 75

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. [11×1=11]

1.   What is a proto-language?

i. a language that has been extinct for over 100 years.

ii. a language that is spoken in small geographical area.

iii. a language that has no known relatives at all.

iv. a language root that shares common features in a language family.

2.   Which of the following dialects of English is agreed by the majority of native speakers?

i. every English       ii. official English  

iii. poetic English   iv. standard English

3.   “A teacher gives a list of new words and their meanings in mother tongue to learn.” Which one of the following language teaching methods does the teacher use?

i. The Grammar Translation Method             ii. The Direct Method

iii. The Communicative Approach         iv. The Eclectic Method

4.   In the story “Three Students”, which of the following characters refused to open the door when knocked by Holmes?

i. Gilchrist       ii. Daulat Ras          iii. Miles Mclaren   iv. Bannister

5.   Which one of the following essays is ‘argumentative’ in nature?

i. An Eastern Journey             ii. Man and Battle of Life

iii. Once More to the Lake     iv. Case for Xanthippe

6.   Which one of the following expressions best summarizes the essay ‘A Black Grandmother’?

i. Quest for identity loss         ii. Quest for family conflict

iii. Quest for racial discrimination iv. Quest for stufy opportunity

7.   Which of the following do the neighbours use to make the stone balance in the poem ‘Mending Wall’?

i. magic from elves         ii. cement

iii. their father’s tools             iv. a spell

8.   What is the tone of the poem ‘If I Should I Die’?

i. sad and melancholic                    ii. energetic and lively

iii. contemplative and reflective    iv. joyful and cerlebratory

9.   Which of the following caharcaters prepared a horoscope for Larry in the play ‘All My Sons’?

i. Joe Keller    ii. Frank Lubey       iii. Jim Bayliss                iv. Chris Keller

10.                     Which of the following ethical dilemmas does Act I of the play ‘All My Sons’ revolve around?

i. Joe Keller’s wartime service      

ii. Chris Keller’s romantic relationship

iii. Ann’s secret motives for vising the Kellers

iv. Joe Keller’s business decisions and their consequences

11.                     Which of the following groups controls the means of production?

i. Members of parliament       ii. Baby Boomers

iii. Bourgeoise                        iv. Proletariat

Group ‘B’

Write short answers to these questions. [8×5=40]

12.                     Define Creole language with examples.

13.                     “Early education in the mother tongue could serve as a crucial factor in learning new languages.” Explain.

14.                     Explain how Odin’s actions showcase of human nature. (Cost of Wisdom: The God King Odin’s Tale)    OR,

What arguments does the narrator make in the essay ‘Sir Roger at the Assizes’?

15.                     What realities of death are poresented in the essay ‘Not Nothing’?

16.                     Do you sympathize or hate Cruz in the story ‘Davil Deer’? Explain.


Do you think ‘Once More to the Lake’ is a nostalgic essay? Explain.

17.                     Summarize the story depicted in the poem ‘The Three Knights’.

18.                     Write a short note on class perspective.

19.                     Define feminity highlighting its dimensions.

Group ‘B’

Write long answers to these questions. [3×8=24]

20.                     The story ‘Leaving’ moves around the theme of sacrifice and family bond. Explain.


Describe the structures of the temple and power of nature as depicted in the essay ‘An Eastern Journey’.

21.                     Critically analyze the poem ‘She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways’. 

22.                     Do you think revealation of Larry’s letter to the Kellers is a turning point in the play ‘All My Sons’? Give reasons to support your answer.



NEB Grade Increment Exam 2081(Set-A)

Optional English

Grade: XII                          Time: 3 Hours                          Full Marks: 75

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. [11×1=11]

1.                In which variety of English does British and American spoken English fall?

i.      Dialectal variety of English           ii. Register variety of English

iii. Idiolectal variety of English         iv. Speech variety of English

2.                What is the language called when it has no native speakers?

i.   Dialcet            ii. Register              iii. Pidgin                        iv. Creole

3.                The story ‘Paul’s Case’ is related to a school boy’s ……

i.         Escaping monotonous life by committing suicide

ii.     Escaping enjoyable life by committing suicide

iii.  Acceptance to do struggle in the life to become rich

iv.   Rejection of all material pleasure of the world

4.                When was the essay ‘Once More to the Lake’ written?

     i. 1940                ii. 1941            iii. 1942                   iv. 1943

5.                In Frank Norris’ short story ‘A Deal in Wheat’ what does wheat symbolize?

i. Man’s power over nature            ii. Nature’s power over man

iii. Wheat’s power over man          iv. Man’s power over wheat

6.                Which of the following is not examined in the poem ‘Mending Wall’?

i.   The role of boundaries in human life                     

ii.  The distance and tension between men

iii.                       A respectful distance between neighbours            

iv.                        The growth, perfection and death of neighbours

7.                What is the theme of the poem ‘Lord Make me a Sheep’?

i.                  Pain, burden and struggle of human life               

ii.              Pleasure, relax and beauty of being human

iii.            Sadness in being a sheep                                      

iv.            Dispraise of natural life of a sheep

8.                To what animal does George Deever compare his father?

i. Dog              ii. Mouse         iii. Possum              iv. Deer

9.                Which of the followings is not the theme of the play ‘All My Sons’?

i. Family and familial obligation                    ii. Loss and memory

iii. War, morality and consequences                     

iv. Love and separation of romancers

10.           Which of the followings is a textual perspective?

i. Marxist criticism                 ii. Gender criticism

iii. New criticism                    iv. Cultural criticism

11.           Which one is NOT true about ecological reading?

               i.            Ecological literary critics portray that the relationship between man and nature isn’t just interdependent.

           ii.            Ecological reading is concerned with how man’s relationship with the pysical environment reflected in nature.

        iii.            Ecological reading concerns for ecology and the hazard that the incessant exploitation of our envirnonemt possesses humanity.

         iv.            Ecological reading portrays how human beings can be saved by dis-functioning the ecology.

Group ‘B’

Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. [8×5=40]

12.           What do you mean by language family? How are they classified?

13.           What is language shift? Why do you think that a speech community shifts to another language?

14.           ‘Sacrifice and gains are two aspects of human life’. Do you agree? Explain with reference to the story ‘King Odin’s Wisom’.

15.           Why does the writer conclude his travelogue by saying that the most impressinve, the most awe inspiring monument of antiquity is men but not temples, great wall and citadel? (An Eastern Journey)


Compare a child’s behaviour before and after he lost his parents at the fair. (The Lost Child)

16.           Discrimination in different form is found in many countries. What are those forms? What form of discrimination do you find in Nepal? (A Black Grandmother)

17.           Discuss how the poem makes you think about connections with your own life, the world and your education? (Kidnapped)

18.           What is unreliable narration? Explain with examples.

19.            ‘New criticism is a contemporary approach to the analysis of literary texts.’ Illustrate your answer.


How is postmodern perspective different from structuralist reading of the texts? Explain with examples.

Group ‘C’

Write long answer to these questions in about 300 words each. [3×8=24]

20.           After making such a big deal about Julian’s mother’s new ugly hat, why do you think she is not bothered when she sees Carver’s mother with the same hat? What does this say about her character? Does her reaction go against the idea that she is racist? Why or why not? (Everything that Rises Must Converge)

21.           Critically analyze the poem ‘Sonnet 8’.


Evaluate the three daughters of the king on the basis of their behaviour in the poem. (King Lear and his His Three Daughters)




NEB Grade Increment Exam 2081(Set-B)

Optional English

Grade: XII                          Time: 3 Hours                          Full Marks: 75

Group ‘A’

Write the correct answer, choosing from the options given below. [11×1=11]

1.   When was English education formally introduced in Nepal?

i. 1918             ii. 1954            iii. 1990           iv. 1885

2.   Which one of the followings is the main objective of teaching and learning English?

i. to develop linguistic competence      

ii. to develop communicative competence

iii. to develop cultural competence

iv. to develop intercultural competence

3.   ‘The news of his death saddened me’ p;sf] d[To'sf] va/n] dnfO{ :tAw agfof] . Which one of the following translation types is it?

i. Free translation                    ii. Literal translation

iii. Dynamic translation          iv. Semantic translation

4.   Why did Brahmadatta not shoot at the Deer kings?

i. They ran very fast.                      ii. They were the magnificient animals.

iii. He couldn’t see them.               iv.They were very clear.

5.   Which one of the following themes can you infer from the story ‘Everything that Rises Must Converge’?

i. sacrifice for wisdom                    ii. racial integration

iii. arrogance and pride                  iv. racial discrimination

6.   What did the writer learn from the British Museum and the zoo?

i.                  to collect artifacts and soveigners 

ii.              to carve wooden artifacts

iii. to respect the authors                iv. to present his ideas magnificiently

7.   Which of the following is an example of lyric?

i. The Three Knights              ii. Mending Wall

iii. Sonnet 8                            iv. Five Modern Haikus

8.   ‘The Breeze Kissed My Cheek’. Which of the following is the example of the sentence?

i. Metaphor                     ii. Paradox              

iii. Personification          iv. Onomatopoeia

9.   Why did Joe Keller kill himself?

i. because Joe felt ashamed and guilty

ii. because Joe was threatened to be shot

iii. because Joe was assaulted by Deever family

iv. because Joe was proved as a criminal by court

10.   What does the play ‘All My Sons’ deal with?

i. family faithfulness and social accountability

ii. family corruption and social responsibility

iii. individual loyalties and social justice

iv. social loyalties and social prestige

11.   Which one of the following is the characteristic of New criticism?

i.                  Literary text is a special use of language.

ii. Literary text is self sufficient.

iii. Literary text sghoud have defamiliarization of the context.

iv. Literary text should be focus on content and context.

Group ‘B’

Write short answers to the following questions in about 75 words each. [8×5=40]

12.Define language family and describe its types briefly.  

13.How can content and language integrated learning(CLIL) be applied in English language classroom?

14.Critically reflect on ‘Cheater never wins’ (The Three Students)

15.Analyze how philosophy is antipoetic.

16.Examine the conclusion of Speech in Release from Jail. Or,

Discuss the theme of the story ‘The Lost Child’.

17.What are the elements of poetry? Describe them briefly.

18.What is ecocriticism? Discuss.

19.What are the basic assumptions of cultural perspective?


Differentiate between structuralism and post structuralism.

Group ‘C’

Write long answer to these questions in about 300 words each. [3×8=24]

20.The story ‘Devil Deer’ is about the ‘nature as a subject’ versus ‘nature as object’, explain. (Devil Deer)

21.Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Lord! Make me a Sheep’.


Differentiate between language of poetry and language of prose.

22.Critically examine the symbols and images used in the drama ‘All My Sons’.




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